Independence Day Fun for Eric Blair

Our resident Roman expert can enjoy the pleasure of debunking this article from Salon. Some of the cracks in it are pretty obvious, but I expect he'll enjoy tearing it all apart for our enlightenment.


  1. 7 similarities with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, too. Or 9 with the Qing Dynasty. Or 10 with your Uncle Harry's Moose Lodge. You can always find one or two things similar about human governments from any era, then squint to see a few more, and just fly out like an untethered kite for the rest.

    People write this kind of crap from a right-wing perspective, too, of course. When that happens, liberals snort that anyone could say anything so ridiculous.

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I just spent three weeks chasing the Romans from Trier to Augsburg and points south. I'll be curious to see what Salon says, once I've finished clearing out the mail, e-mail, and *shudder* laundry.


  3. Eric Blair4:26 PM

    I'll have to make a real post of it, sorry.

  4. No need to apologize. That's just what I wanted you to do. :)
