Fear The Gray Chili

I was amused to see the Daily Caller invoking the lair of the chili pepper. RateMyProfessors is a social media site that allows students to post comments and ratings on professors and teaching assistants at their various colleges. One of the ratings students apparently give is whether the professor is hot or not. The hot ones get red chili peppers by their ratings.

It's also worth viewing the videos at the Professors Strike Back page. Some of them are humorless, but not all.

UPDATE: "I don't like to think of myself as cruel and mean..."

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1 comment:

  1. I actually wish more of my students would use 'Rate my Professors", as I think it's good for students to see what other students think, and it's good for the professors as well. I will say that the comments I have gotten were pretty much in line with the comments and ratings received on the in-house end-of-term survey. I just don't want to ever get a high score in the "Easiness" category.
