Shifts & expedients

The pages I'm formatting at Project Gutenberg this morning come from a particularly delightful and useful book called "Shifts and Expedients of Camp Life, Travel, and Exploration," published in 1871.  The authors seem to have seen military service in the Crimea and South Africa, in addition to exploring in Asia and Australia.  They put together detailed notes, copiously illustrated, on the proper provisioning of expeditions, including how to build any number of things on the road, from tents to boots to wheeled carts to rafts to sledges.  A couple of pages for examples:

It will be a little while before the book is finished and posted to the free Project Gutenberg site, but you can see what a wealth of material there is over there.


  1. Ymar Sakar1:54 PM

    Sounds like it'll be useful in the future. Now if only they could attach a kindle + smart phone to a human arm and have it only be powered by bio electricity and heat.
