New member of the household

My homeless guy gave up and hopped a bus back to San Antonio, but not before leaving his little dog at the shelter.  It's a no-kill shelter, and he thought he was doing right by her rather than making her walk everywhere in the heat, but she's 11 years old, and I didn't feel good about her chances of adoption.  After a sleepless night and fruitless attempts to feel better about her by handing money to the homeless guy and the shelter, I got permission from my peerless husband, the best husband ever, to bring her home.  She's the first little dog I've had, about 18 lbs.  She seems cool with the big dogs.

My young traveller left the phone number of his ex-inlaws with the shelter, so I hope I've succeeded in getting a message to him that she's found a home.  He was pretty broken up about having to leave her.  No more life on the road for you, sweetheart.

You can see why I had to bring her and her human in out of the rain.


  1. Oh my goodness! Someone needs a hug.

    Or twelve, maybe.

    I grew up with big dogs (German Shorthaired Pointers) but we've had two smallish dogs - a beagle and a
    WeinerDog - and they have both been delightful.

    I'm jealous!

  2. Eric Blair1:17 PM

    Good for you.

  3. DL Sly2:07 PM

    Some people spend a lifetime trying to figure out how to listen to their hearts.
    You, my friend, do not have that problem.
    Welcome to the newest member. Name?

  4. Well, take heart -- she doesn't look like she eats much. :)

    Cass, this one is for you.

  5. DL Sly4:17 PM

    Grim, that's awesome!
    I've sent that to the VES.

  6. Good on you, T. My cats have all been foundlings, abandonments, or got from the shelter.

    There aren't many more rewarding things.

    Eric Hines

  7. Somehow I think she'll pay you back and then some, one way or another. My dogs have tended to mostly ignore little bitty dogs when we've sat them for friends. I can't imagine you'll have any problems.

  8. What all of the above said, or as Mr. Hines summarized, good on ya.


  10. I thought you'd like that. :)
