A Doggish Interlude

Normally I would not post videos of dogs here, but in honor of Tex's new companion and act of charity, I will relent and soften my humorless expression for just one moment.

There are your training goals, Tex!


  1. Oh yeah? Well my dog barks repeatedly to let me know when someone is coming. Or just walking by the house. Or not coming. Or that the sprinkler is on. Or the bathroom scales beeping. Or thunder and lightning. Or thunder and lightning half-an-hour ago.

    And I didn't even have to train him.

    So there.

  2. Not bad, except for the wake up call and the remote control. The former is a shooting offense in my house. And what's up with leaving the Mistress to have to work the remote herself? I've always maintained that I don't need a remote--I'll never be so lazy I can't have the wife or daughter change the channel. Having a remote, though, the dog can do it.

    On the other hand, no self-respecting cat would deign do that much work.

    Eric Hines

  3. I thought someone was going to say something about having the dog serve you your pancake by mouth.

  4. That would be better than having my cat serve me (hah!) my pancake by paw. I know where he walks.

    Eric Hines

  5. Are you trying to tell me you don't think that the net's highest and best use is to communicate adorable animal videos? Get with it, son.

    Did I mention that my new little girl's name is Cassie? I'm not convinced that she shouldn't go live with Cassandra; it seems to me the fates are speaking. In the meantime, though, not only am I getting pretty attached but even my husband is, so Cassandra had better speak up fast.

    I introduced her to chickens yesterday at our neighbor's house, where the chickens run loose. She didn't chase them or mess with them in any way, a good sign.

  6. She didn't chase them or mess with them in any way, a good sign.

    They aren't food, yet. Drop some chicken marsala or chicken scampi in front of her.

    Eric Hines

  7. Oh, we've already established that she's happy to eat part of our cooked chicken dinner. In fact, for the first few days I couldn't get her to eat dog food at all, only some Milkbones. She's coming around today, though.

  8. "Did I mention that my new little girl's name is Cassie? I'm not convinced that she shouldn't go live with Cassandra; it seems to me the fates are speaking."

    Well, the original Cassandra heard from the fates, but it didn't do her much good in the end...

    As for the pancake, I'm pretty sure the dogs mouth is at least as clean as my kids hands most of the time.
