That's All Right, We Find It Comforting To Be Proven Correct About You

The IRS issues an apology.

UPDATE: Powerline says of the story:
This is a shocking news story–one that would be a major scandal in a Republican administration–but...
Come off it. The "but..." gives it away. None of us are shocked by this. This is exactly what we expect from our government. That's why the President made his famous joke about it. It's funny because it's true, right?

We all always knew it was true.


  1. The IRS issues an apology.

    I beg to differ. There was a (very) late (weak) acknowledgment that the IRS' behavior was wrong. There was no comment on then-IRS commissioner Doug Shulman's dishonest statement to Congress when this came to light in March 2012, There's absolutely no targeting. This is the kind of back and forth that happens to people….

    There was only the claim that the IRS would like to apologize. For something.

    Well, when, IRS, will we hear your apology?

    Eric Hines

  2. Ymar Sakar10:36 PM

    Enemies don't owe their opponents any apologies for winning. That's the nature of a war. The defeated must obey or die, the winners determine the future.

  3. This will get really interesting when people find themselves denied medical care because of political affiliation.
    How nice to have the IRS administering the financial portion of Zerocare.

  4. Yes, the apology was a classic example of ambiguity, even by modern standards. "We didn't target our political enemies. We just used a shortcut . . . to some goal or another. And it was bad judgment, either to use that shortcut, or to have that goal, whatever it was . . . But if we've offended anyone, we apologize."

    I suspect it was bad judgment to do something so readily identifiable as targeting. I'm sure the minions are expected to know how to give themselves better cover than that.

  5. I'm sure that filling out responses to these simple questions didn't occupy a massive amount of these organizations' manpower and money (during an election year), either.

  6. Ymar Sakar9:26 PM

    It's almost as if the Left is in a war and will be about to start dropping drone weapons on people purely by coincidence soon.
