Don't be so cynical

More sequester fun:  the BLM cancels auctions of more than 3,000 acres of oil & gas leases on public land.  As the Wall Street Journal noted, that makes as much sense as unmanning toll booths and forgoing the income from drivers, citing budget cuts.  MacDonald's can save money by not selling hamburgers!  But, as the WSJ also notes, it makes perfect sense if the idea is to exert maximum pain, so as to build political pressure to stop the sequester, and to cripple the O&G industry in service of environmental orthodoxy as a bonus.  Meanwhile, President Obama advises us not to be cynical about government.

I'm not cynical about government.  I think government is the crowning glory of our social species, used for its right purposes.  I am cynical about our president.


  1. I think you need to broaden your cynicism. The president isn't personally responsible for every bad thing the government does -- if that were so, we'd be in a much better case.

  2. Ymar Sakar9:09 PM

    The Left's a far vaster organization than people who merely want to blame 'personal responsibility' on the nation's citizens and the nation's leaders. Far vaster than they are willing to accept.

    You're not supposed to be cynical in the Obamanation. A light will shine down upon you and you will come to realize the good and pure. Soon now.

    Obama will make you get off your coaches and pay attention to change. You will be made to change, for change is hard. Barack is ready. He'll be ready in the future. To Bring the Light upon the US.

    Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual. This Obamanation is not America. But after the Obamanation ends, there still won't be an America. Perhaps not even a nation.

    You will shed your cynicism and believe.

    Humans can refuse to believe in evil all they wish. But the thing is, evil isn't one person out on a throne of skulls. It's something much closer.

  3. I'll cheerfully broaden my cynicism. It's just him that I had in mind right then, because he was the one making a smarmy speech about avoiding cynicism.
