A Book Review Of Unusual Persuasiveness

It's rare that I read a review that very much makes me more (or less) inclined to read a book than I would have been just from knowing the book's title and genre, the author's qualifications, and its subject. But this sounds like a really good book.


  1. My husband is in some kind of sync with you this week. He keeps sending me stories, then I come here and find you've already posted about them. He was reading to me from this review earlier today, the part about advancing as fast as looting would permit.

  2. Tom: Serious morale problems, I take it. I can hear the SS guys going, "Don't give up yet!" That sounds like a perfectly wonderful story.

  3. Yeah, I'm not sure how the German troops turned, but apparently the officer in charge had become opposed to the Nazis.

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Thanks, Tom, you just blew the rest of my May book budget. :)


  5. My pleasure!

