Things journalists should know

The worm is turning:
If climate scientists were credit-rating agencies, climate sensitivity would be on negative watch.
"Things journalists should know," according to this article, include the useful couplet:
(1) The scary scenarios are based on models; and
(2) The models don't work.
Useful fact number three is that the "97%" consensus figure often thrown out in AGW debate resulted from an online survey of 10,257 earth scientists conducted by two researchers, to which 3,146 scientists replied, of which the responses of 77 were considered valid for inclusion.

My own informal survey yielded a 98% consensus in favor of my views.  So I have that going for me.


  1. My own informal survey yielded a 98% consensus in favor of my views. So I have that going for me.

    Piker. Every time I ask myself and I for an opinion, I get complete agreement with me. 100%, every time.

    I'm constant as the Northern Star.

    And so is climate change. Except when it varies. But, then, changing her mind is a woman's prerogative....

    Eric Hines

  2. Well, journalists have to learn good judgment from experience just like everyone else. And experience, as the saying goes, that comes from poor judgment. :)

  3. I usually only get 60-70% agreement because I often quibble and hedge w/ myself ... but 60-70% is good enough!
