The Romans are going home.

Long ago, when I was young lad in the service, I heard that the Germans had a nick name for the American troops: "The Romans". Not a bad name, really--I heard they referred to the British troops as "Island Apes". I sort thought the name fit. Well, the BAOR hasn't been around for a while now, and it looks like USAREUR will soon join them.

 That worked out real well last time.


  1. The 170th, whose tanks those were, is a unit with which I have a personal connection. Before it reflagged as 170th, it was 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division. I was with them on their last Iraq deployment. I know a lot of those guys.

    It's the end of something, as you rightly say.

  2. I found this comment interesting:

    denbo68 Collapse

    Tanks are leaving just as the Europeans are at each others throats again.

  3. William11:05 AM

    Possibly. But not any time soon. The reorg is pretty political and there are assets that will be around for a long while yet. LRMC comes to mind.

    William sends.

  4. Eric Blair11:24 AM

    From what I could tell, there are two brigades left in Europe. (and some support units) A far cry from what used to be there.

    It's one thing to have a QRF or 'lily pad' cabability, and something else again to have a couple of corps ready to go.

    But, things have changed. Mostly for the better. The question, as it always is, "what comes next?"
