Suspect in custody.

That's it, 7:45 Central.


  1. Pity. He missed a good chance to join his brother, and save the American taxpayer tens of thousands of dollars a year for the rest of his life. His going to prison for life will probably cost America more than his attack did -- in his war against America, it will be his single most effective act.

  2. Unfortunately, he's going to a Federal courthouse instead of to Gitmo. It would have been good to have found out what he knows and whether he and his brother were alone or part of a larger op.

    Eric Hines

  3. Well, don't feel bad. We'll get nothing out of him, but we'll pay through the nose for the privilege, and for the rest of his life! That's what makes us better than other countries.

  4. If the father of little Martin Richard were to pull a Jack Ruby on him, would anyone convict him?

  5. Not I, though I'd prefer he waited until we'd have a chance for some interrogation. I'd like to find out who helped these guys.

    It would go on my long list of "juries you really don't want me sitting on."
