Night Watch

I suspect most Americans wouldn't get the reference, but in Amsterdam it's still locally important enough that the folks in the mall understood.


  1. That was great! Of course I recognized it.

    I looked up the painting on Wiki and was saddened to read that it's been vandalized on at least three separate occasions, not counting the strange 19th-century decision to cut it down to fit a display area.

  2. Eric Blair3:19 PM

    From the title alone, I got the reference, but then I've been known to make puns based on those old paintings.

  3. I recognized it as soon as the two principles started marching into the mall. I was fortunate enough to view the original in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam in 1973, shortly after they installed the new anti tampering/earthquake/fire/flooding system. IIRC it cost them a couple of million to build, but the Dutch are real protective of it (these days.) Back in 1642 - not so much as Borat would say.

  4. I have no idea what's going on here.

  5. William4:38 PM


    William sends.
