I'm insulted, I think

Or maybe I'm just befuddled.  North Korea apparently has just called us a "boiled pumpkin."

Yeah, and yer another.


  1. I wonder if he knows that we just can't be bothered with him?

  2. Oh, he will MAKE us bother with him! After all, it is not HE that lives in the boiled pumpkin! ... Or something.

    I'm trying to figure out if this is a saber rattling to keep the DPRK's Army happy or if it's saber rattling to extort more aid, or if it's saber rattling because he's bored...

  3. The middle one, I think. The DPRK regime can't accept aid as charity, they have to extort it as tribute. Otherwise they look weak to their people, which would be fatal.

  4. In all seriousness then, it continues to put us between a rock and a hard place- if we send aid, we maintain the regime, but if we don't the people starve, in addition to the regime continuing. What to do? It doesn't appear that it will collapse of it's own weight anytime soon, third generation having just begun.
