
If you've ever raised chickens, you know how long the eggs stay fresh in their shells even without refrigeration.  Some clever people are working on a genetic trick to get vaccines to form their own calcium shells so they can more easily reach remote populations lacking refrigeration.

H/t Rocket Science.


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    37 degrees Celsius is human body temperature. This invention is a LONG way away from being practical.

    Also, anyone who thinks that eggs won't rot if stored in a warehouse for 6 months should just try it. I dare you.


  2. DL Sly2:16 PM

    I just learned from my tribal sister this last winter that as long as you don't wash the egg they will last a very long time (can't remember the length she said -- alcohol will do that) in normal cool temperatures as the shell contains a natural enzyme that forms a barrier which keeps air from penetrating the shell thereby keeping the embryo inside from rotting.
    Lived next to a farm all my younger years, ate farm-fresh eggs the entire time...never knew that.

  3. May I suggest to your sister century eggs....

    Eric Hines

  4. DL Sly5:39 PM

    You may.
    After a quick search, I won't.
    I like my sister.
    A lot.

  5. Just being able to keep the vaccine in an un-air-conditioned truck for several days while you trek out to an isolated village would be a big step forward.
