Applying mathematical rigor to bollocks

The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense, with pride of place to Scientology.


  1. It turns out the Trinity might not be bollocks, although I suppose one could argue that instead of merely including it on a diagram. Also miracles; and perhaps reincarnation, although that would require the rationalist to explain why there is such a thing as an individual consciousness at all, and therefore why it could not be reincarnated.

    As far as I know, they haven't got anything approaching an answer to the first question, let alone the second.

  2. Don't mean to complain, but I don't see any math being applied. Or any rigor, for that matter.

  3. Anonymous7:55 AM

    They also seem to imply that anything they disagree with is irrational and that everything irrational is wrong.

  4. Yes, I was not entirely serious about the mathematical rigor. And the author includes many things I happen to believe in, myself.

  5. Where is AGW? Or is it "too soon"?

  6. Yeah, this particular comic may not realize how his general approach applies to his own sacred cows.
