
It's amazing how few people you see when you go several miles out to camp in weather that is well below freezing. A fellow I once knew said, "If you could remove the pain, then everyone would be doing it."

I'm back. It's been a good run.


  1. You have some beautiful land down there in Georgia.

    When we were down with the grandpunks, we took them to Tallulah Falls (not sure if I spelled that right) and walked their little legs off on the trails.

    Welcome back!

  2. You did, and that is (as you rightly notice) one of the places pictured here. Also Tugaloo lake, and some of the state Wildlife Management Area that abuts the park. I was amused by the map left on the shelter wall. "Can't find lake access. Draw map here!"

    I guess that must have been in the summertime, since the lake was highly obvious with all the leaves off the trees.

  3. This was actually mostly a backpacking trip, although I did take the bike up there. From the time I got about a mile outside of the park until I came back three days later, I saw no strangers. But I think that will change soon: turkey season opens on the 24th, and by then the hard-frozen nights will be gone.

  4. DL Sly1:37 PM

    Indeed some beautiful country, Grim. And I will spend the rest of my life gladly enjoying it (and the requisite humidity) from FAR, FAR away.
    Glad your run went well -- although given the types of weather that you have taken that *run* in over the years, I find it difficult to imagine a scenario where it wouldn't eventually be a good run for you.

  5. When I was about 10 or 11 we took a backpacking/canoe trip to Canada. It is one of my favorite memories.

    We paddled way into the interior of the park where you could go a week without seeing another human being. It was amazing :)

  6. A week would have been fantastic. I was worried, though, that it would be unfair to leave my wife unsupported in all the household duties for longer than a few days.
