On The Other Hand, This Solves That Title IX Issue

Apparently at some point while I wasn't paying attention, someone decided it was OK for a "transgender" male to beat the crap out of women in Mixed Martial Arts. Steven Crowder writes a column opposing the idea, which indeed ought to be opposed as pure nonsense.

But let us be generous and open-minded. From a purely Roman gladiatorial perspective, I can see why they might think this idea has appeal. And I suppose it answers the PUA crowd's concerns about the bias of Title IX. As long as we can find enough men willing to "transgender" themselves, we could soon have both men's sports and "women's" sports equally dominated by men. Think of the scholarships! It might solve the disparate attendance at college issue, too.

There's just a small price to pay. Well, especially for the PUA crowd.


  1. Unexpected bonus - more confused women to hit on.


  2. Eric Blair12:51 PM

    MMA is dumb in any case.

  3. I have rarely seen it, so I can't speak to that. If this ruling is characteristic of its culture as a sport, though, you surely must be right.

  4. Cassandra, that was too funny.

  5. Eric, do you approve of boxing or other martial arts? If yes, why is MMA dumb, but those not? I initially had a negative reaction to MMA, but over time, have found it to be a fairly intellectual fighting pursuit, with it's need to balance various modes of fighting against each other, and the strategic decisions fighters make as styles and strengths contrast between opponents. I'm not some huge fan now, but I find myself watching occasionally.

  6. I agree with Eric. MMA now is a farce. When it "debuted" (I use the term very loosely to describe the first US UFC match) it had promise. There were no weight classes, the fight was a single round lasting until someone won, and the rule-set was no biting and eye gouging. Very reminiscent of pankration. Now it might as well be point based Tae Kwon Do.
