The new hockey stick

H/t Zombie.


  1. Heh. What they're calling the key event of 2015 is what we call "Summer Semester."

  2. Key name is non-science-trained journalist Bill McKibben

  3. But . . . he's a Harvard man!

    I liked the way the coastal areas are flooded with climate skeptics in 2015, buying up all that soon-to-be-inundated real estate that Al Gore and his buddies are dumping onto the market cheap.

  4. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Given what this winter has been like for eastern Europe, I hope Hansen, McKibbin, Gore, Suzuki, et al do not go for vacation in Poland, Romania, or Russia this year.


  5. LR1 - Not to worry. They wouldn't like the hotels in Romania, nor the restaurants.

    I can show them some Roma villages in Transylvania where they burn very few fossil fuels, however. (Budureasa, Pietroasa). Don't drink the water, though.

  6. Gringo2:16 AM

    I can show them some Roma villages in Transylvania where they burn very few fossil fuels, however. (Budureasa, Pietroasa). Don't drink the water, though.

    LOL. From my experience in Latin America, I can attest to the correlation of low fossil energy use with unpotable water.

    For years I used Polar Pure during my trips to Central America to purify my drinking water. Avery effective product.

    Their product has apparently been taken off the market because it has been used in the manufacture of illicit drugs.

  7. Gringo- Man, I hate laws that are supposed to stem some lawbreaking action by making something more difficult to obtain, or impossible to obtain- pseudoephedrine products, for instance. For the same reason as the iodine for the manufacturers of Polar Pure, you have to go to the pharmacist, show your license and are only able to get a little less than enough for a month, within a month. This means, in allergy season, when I need it, I have to get my wife to buy some for me, so I don't get left without for a couple days till the state will let me purchase it again. We're criminals in a potential state to them, as far as I'm concerned. Why should I be subjected to such inconvenience because the police can't catch the meth labs?

  8. From my experience in Latin America, I can attest to the correlation of low fossil energy use with unpotable water.

    There are other correlates, too. When I was stationed on a PAF base in Manila, the public, "potable" water wasn't drinkable without treatment with a capful of chlorine bleach (which I didn't trust. I just got bottled water from the embassy). The city's potable water pipes ran in the same trenches as its waste water pipes. And both sets of pipes had lots of leaking cracks.

    Eric Hines
