
Almost the whole state of Texas, and much of Oklahoma, is a big swirling bowl today, 25-30 mph sustained winds.


  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Tell me about it. Or rather, don't, please. I have 4' drifts on the south side of the house and in the driveway, visibility in town is thhhhpppppth, the entire Panhandle is closed, and the idiots in SUVs are trying to see if Newton really was right about mass and momentum.


  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Oh, and the wind is 45 gusting to 77 near Amarillo.


  3. Evening drive host on WOAI out of San Antonio had part of his roof blown off today... As I walked from my building to the other building at work today to go do my workout in the fitness center, I was thankful I wasn't wearing a skirt... It got cold once the sun went down (though likely not as cold as what it is up in the panhandle...). I've been hearing the whistling of the wind since I got home just before 7 o'clock...

  4. Must be all that glowball worming again.

  5. Gringo3:16 PM

    The winds I experienced in San Antonio were hurricane strength in places- judging from what I recall of hurricanes back East.Had trouble walking at times. They were the strongest I have ever experienced in TX.

  6. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Mike, I shoveled 17" of Global Warming yesterday and today. I'm glad we got the moisture, but I wish it had been a wee bit more evenly distributed. I'd forgotten the "joy" of trying to toss snow over piles that are taller than I am. I'm also [two digits] years older than I was the last time I had to do that. Or so my body insists on reminding me. :)

