Glorious junk

I understand there was a Mongolian herder once, a century or two ago, who was less interested in football than myself, but otherwise I think I take the crown.  Still, that doesn't mean that I don't take the food rituals associated with Superbowl Sunday very seriously indeed.  On the way home from church, I picked up a dozen frozen, uncooked eggrolls from the Vietnamese shrimp market, then braved the completely insane HEB for every kind of frivolous foodstuffs I could think of:  chicken wings, salted nuts, chips, makings for chili-cheese dip and onion dip, and a key lime pie.  We're going to fix the wings with Woody's Cook-in Sauce doctored with some vinegar and pepper.  Then we'll fry up the eggrolls and serve them with lettuce, shredded carrots and daikon radish, cilantro, and mint.  We may even have guests over.

If you've never tried Woody's, you're missing out.  It can be got by mail order via Amazon if your store doesn't carry it.  Can't beat it for a fast treatment for beef or chicken that's going on the grill or under the broiler.  It's not a sauce for dipping but for roasting:  not at all sweet.


  1. I, on the other hand, love football... but completely ignore the traditions, and, in fact, the Superbowl. We don't do television, so if I see a professional game it's by accident (although I go to see the local high school play!). I can sit down and watch a game of any level that accidentally happens to be going on wherever I am, though, and really enjoy every minute of it.

  2. I picked up....

    Well, that's all fine for the first quarter. But what are you going to do for the rest of the game?

    Eric Hines

  3. Shoot, we're still eating it. Frito pie for lunch today, wings for dinner.

  4. Shoot, we're still eating it. Frito pie for lunch today, wings for dinner.
