So, Just To Get This Straight...

...It's plainly wrong for local law enforcement to try to help enforce Federal immigration law...

...but it is obviously mandatory for local law enforcement to try to help enforce Federal gun control law.

That makes sense, right?


  1. Gringo8:59 PM

    While law has never been universally enforced, during the Obama administration we have seen a great increase in selective enforcement of the law, in addition to more laws and regulations. And the desire of the Obama administration to bring forth yet more laws and regulations.

    Which will also increase selective enforcement. Waivers for Obamacare, anyone? Very many in SanFranNan's area. Obamacare is for the rubes.

  2. I notice that the law that Congress produce a budget is now routinely ignored -- as, apparently, is the law mandating the President submit a recommendation on a budget on time.

    Not that it matters, since Congress couldn't pass a budget if you put one in front of it.

  3. Grim, Grim. You're missing the point. It's plainly good for the states to do what the feds tell them. The Feds will decide which laws should be enforced and which should not.
