Just Random Bad Luck

An article making the rounds considers the case of a Chicago mother whose four children have all been killed in what the article describes as "gun violence." The latest "child" to die was 34 years of age, and had -- the article does not mention this, so you have to scroll to the comments -- a history of some 29 arrests, and gang membership. There is some confusion about whether he was a former or a current member of the Gangster Disciples when he died. The drive-by nature of the shooting suggests gang violence, but no one has been arrested.

The article is similarly circumspect about the other shootings. The first is described as a shooting by "a high-school classmate" "after an argument." The others are just described as having been close together in time.

If only Chicago had some more gun control laws, I guess we are meant to take from the article, this kind of thing would not happen.


  1. She's reaching for the heart of the matter, and grabbing the pancreas.

    I pine for the days when gangs didn't have guns, and never hurt each other.

  2. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Texan, was that back before the Fall, when all the animals were vegetarians? Or was it back when all humans lived in harmony with Nature under the guidance of wise womyn and worshiped the Great Goddess?

    (Yes, before anyone panics that I've been possessed or had a head injury, I'm kidding.)


  3. [W]as that back before the Fall...?

    No, that was before Natural Man decided he needed a government....

    What we really need, maybe, is to make Chicago a gun-free city. A city where all the residents can get their firearms at no charge.

    There's a welfare program....

    Eric Hines

  4. Eric Blair7:49 PM

    Evolution in action.

  5. When you see the words "gun violence" it also can include suicide, so be alert for that.

    Also not mentioned is whether any of these "children" had guns, and whether they had ever used them in violence. Sounds like they died of violence, with guns in parentheses. It sounds like I'd be in favor of controlling the guns of the folks they hung around with. I don't see how that relates to the general population, though.

  6. If a 34 year old is a "child" then this society is done. Stick a fork in it.

    But really, the real answer is to make this "journalist" do his/her job and report the facts, not editorialize.

  7. If it wasn't for bad luck, they'd have no luck at all :p
