The Monkeys Have No Tails

If you've seen the old John Wayne / John Ford movie Donovan's Reef, the lyrics are given "the monkeys have no tails in Zamboanga." I haven't been to Pago Pago, but I have been to Zamboanga, and I did meet a tail-less monkey near there. He belonged to a Catholic priest, who had his collar attached to a steel ring that ran along a cable, so the thing could climb up and down the church.

Nice guy. Pretty brave ministry, there in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. But most of the Republic of the Philippines' special ops guys are Catholics.


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    My dad used to sing this while doing yard work, along with "The Tattooed Lady." "Over her left kidney/ was a bird's eye view of Sidney./ But what I liked best/ there upon her chest/ was my home in Waikiki."

    Mom seemed less then thrilled to discover that by age four I had a gift for memorizing music. :)


  2. Yeah, fortunately the children I know have bad memories. :)
