Today would be a good day to spend $2.99 and read Heinlein's short story "The Year of the Jackpot," about a statistician who notices that all kinds of cycles are aligning and will trough or crest together in a few weeks.

For those without Kindles or the like, it appears to be available for PDF download for a minor fee here.

Personally, I'm planning the usual solstice preparations to encourage the sun to come back out of the cave into which it has retreated.  It's disappointing that so many people are neglecting this duty in the frenzy of the approaching Mayan apocalypse.


  1. We've scheduled our Yule barbecue for Sunday, as a concession to practicality -- that's when people could come. I'll do my best to do proper honor to the solstice tonight, though.

  2. I'll do my best to do proper honor to the solstice tonight, though.

    Time is a three-dimensional volume. Your Sunday BBQ also will do nicely.

    Eric Hines

  3. I always loved that short story from RAH. Thanks for the link. I may have to download it for a trip down memory lane. After all, what's not to like about rescueing naked women. :-)
