Joan Jett and the Blackhearts

Instapundit mentions a band I always liked, for reasons that are hard to lay out. They have a stripped-down sound most of the time. I think I first liked it just because the singer was a tough, roughneck girl. When I met my wife, she carried a big knife through the front of her belt and wore camo pants and tank tops. She's a little more sedate now, for a biker girl.

Hey, that was a biker jacket Joan Jett was wearing just there, wasn't it?

The piece the Sage of Knoxville linked to has a little fancier sound, but that's according to the original.


  1. I too always like Joan Jett. Pat Benetar as well.

    I've got an off topic question for you Grim, and don't know if it would be more appropriate to email about (so as not to derail the thread, there's nothing secret or personal involved). Let me know what you'd prefer (either here or in email, which I think you have).

  2. It's a question you want to put before the Hall? Send me your email, and I'll give you posting rights. You can put up your own post about it.

    If you just want my personal advice without making it public, email is fine.

  3. If you need my email, by the way, it is grimbeornr (note the final 'r') at yahoo dot com.

  4. DL Sly12:11 PM

    Joan Jett is from MH's hometown. We used to see her riding around in her stretch limo whenever she was in town to see family and friends.

  5. Sly, did you get those links I tried to email you last night?

  6. DL Sly4:02 PM

    No, sir, I did not. Did you send to gmail?

  7. I have now done so.

  8. Like MikeD, my mind quickly went from Joan Jett to Pat Benetar. I think Joan Jett was fun, and has held up well enough, but I have come to think that Pat Benetar's music has held up to time quite well- It's a little more complex than Joan Jett's, and so maybe just a little richer for it.
