God Send Us A Happy New Year

I'm doing a kind of double-Lent this year, starting this New Year's Day and ending on Easter Sunday. There are reasons for this which don't enter into the matter of this page, although some of you are aware of why I might do such a thing. In any case, I hope this year is better than the last, though if I look on it with proper gratitude it had much good in it.

Happy New Year to all of you. God save us, if it is right that he do so; or if He should choose, out of undeserved grace. Enjoy the feast, or fast, as you choose.


  1. Happy New Year, Grim!

  2. Happy New Year indeed! I'm with you that last year was a tumultuous one- both in the micro and macro. May this one be less so, or at least let the suffering be more meaningful.

    I'll keep you in my prayers for a good double-Lent, whatever your goals.
