Questions no one in the media is asking

No, not about Benghazi.  I've about given up hope on that one.  What I want to know is whether Senator Menendez (D-N.J., appointed to fill Corzine's vacated seat) is underpaying his male prostitutes as callously as he is the female ones?


  1. My impression is that female prostitutes generally make more than male ones ceteris paribus, because there is substantially greater demand (i.e., men more often purchase the services of prostitutes than women, and there are far more heterosexual than homosexual men).

    Perhaps by underpaying his female prostitutes he was simply striving toward the ideal of "equal pay for equal work"!

  2. "Perhaps by underpaying his female prostitutes he was simply striving toward the ideal of "equal pay for equal work"!"

    From what I've read over the years, call it my sense of the Senate, I doubt that to be among any of the primary considerations of this Senator, or many, if any others...

  3. ..."not about Benghazi. I've about given up hope on that one."

    Call me whatever you will, but hope springs eternal...

    //decides it might be prudent to whip up some JB Weld and slather it on that spring...//
