Night of the Generals.

WTF, Gentlemen, W. T. F.


  1. I was sort of going to leave this one alone, but at this point it's gotten to weird to pretend we hadn't noticed.

  2. Which, you know, it just keeps getting weirder. I'm pretty sure "an honorary consul general" is not entitled to diplomatic protection. I met the one for Liechtenstein to Atlanta. He's just some dude from Atlanta. Nice guy, though.

  3. I blame the military command that decided that Florida was the right place for an important command to be located. Weird things happen in Florida. Looking at some of this now, did no one see this coming who is around the social scene there? Did it not strike anyone as odd in the least?


  4. Eric Blair8:48 AM

    Yeah, Florida has it's own tag on 'nuff said.

  5. "Between this, the accusations against Gen. Allen and Jill Kelley, and the feds following a routine e-mail harassment case all the way up to the top of the CIA, we’re now looking at what’s easily the best spy thriller since “No Way Out.” At this point there’s no way that the growing cast of characters doesn’t contain someone who’ll end up speaking Russian in the final scene. Time to start a Hot Air pool on who it’ll be? Put me down for five on the shirtless FBI agent. He’s my favorite."

    Sometimes the thing about these scandals is the surprising insight into what is considered normal in some circles.

  6. Sometimes the thing about these scandals is the surprising insight into what is considered normal in some circles.

    I agree with this. It's not just the affair (and possible other affairs or heavy email flirtations or whatever else was going on)- it's the weirdness of the women involved. Which in turn says a lot about the men who got involved with them. This all reminds me of some spectacular blow-ups from my late teens and early 20s, where everyone all decided they hated each other and demanded all those within a 50-mile radius take sides.

    The damage done to the military by the unprofessional behavior is bad enough. What's worse is that top command is now a laughing stock. Might need to revisit that survey that showed such faith in the military.

  7. Ymar Sakar7:49 AM

    Upper echelon command was already a laughing stock amongst some civilian and military circles. Just the nature of the beast.
