
I trust you all know how to use a KA-BAR, metaphorically or otherwise.

We'll sort out the rest later.  For now, strike, and no mercy.  I've a fine wager on the point.


  1. You dropped a "d" in the post title :-P

  2. You're a hard woman to please, ML. Any decent man would just agree to set aside the extraneous "d." I'll forgive it, though, on account of Gadsden, AL, being located on the Etowah river -- my own beloved home country being the headwaters of that self-same river.

  3. I freely admit to being a Grammar Nazi ;-)

  4. It may be that you ought to focus our attention elsewhere. If I were much inclined to fascist enforcement, I'd want to put it where it counts.

  5. The fascists I know about would've been likelier to encourage that couple than arrest them -- violence to enforce cultural purity would've been right up their street.

    But then, you really aren't inclined to fascist enforcement.

  6. MikeD8:25 AM

    Police say this is one of the first cases of its kind in Pakistani-administered Kashmir, where such killings are relatively rare.

    But were that true, it would never have occurred to this pair that this was a reasonable response. I suppose there's the remote possibility you have TWO sociopaths who happened to get married and have children. But I find it much more likely it was the acid that made this a "first of its kind" rather than the killing.

  7. ...violence to enforce cultural purity...

    Well, "Pakistan" literally means "land of the pure."

  8. Then I suppose we should be grateful that their government is "impure" enough to arrest those two.

  9. I did my part and voted for competence and freedom. Romney/Ryan 2012.
