Free enterprise vs. free stuff

The American people have spoken, and they want more unemployment, and free stuff.  They'll get free stuff for a while.  The unemployment may last longer.


  1. The American people did just what I couldn't imagine they would do: dissatisfied with every part of government, they returned almost exactly the same government to Washington.

    When a system produces irrationality, it will not be around for long. Though we believe that life develops via random mutations, the fact is that it is only fairly well-ordered designs that actually survive. Your teeth are well-ordered for the kind of diet your body requires. Life has a bias against irrationality.

  2. William4:20 AM

    Yes. It does. Those who are better ordered in their lives {body, mind, soul, headspace} are better positioned to come out of the dark times ahead... Part of me is thankful to be alive for them, for only in adversity can we truly develop. Part of me is sad that this has been chosen by my peers...

    William sends.

  3. Ymar Sakar6:20 PM

    At this point, it's unimportant whether Obama stole the election or not. Because Democrats have been doing the same for the past 50 years at least. Nothing has changed, nothing will change until the Democrat party, at least, is destroyed.

    And that is only one piece of the Left's enormous power base. Without logistics, a huge army cannot be easily defeated.
