Cheap, ubiquitous solar power

I like the way these young men think.  I wrote about them a few months ago, when they were raising money for their enterprise on Kickstarter, which is now coming along very well.  They almost make me remember what it was like to be young.


  1. raven7:15 PM

    " They almost make me remember what it was like to be young."

    That's what motorcycles are for!

  2. It's been nice riding weather lately, hasn't it? :)

  3. raven2:24 AM

    Well, up here in the Pacific Northwet it is a bit un favorable at the moment. Good riding should commence about the middle of July, or maybe August...

  4. Anonymous7:12 AM

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  5. Wow, that's some impressively bad spam. I may even leave it up as a kind of art.


    I'm sorry to hear that it's already not good riding there. All the rest of this week it should be mid-60s and sunny. It's one of the very nice things about Georgia.

  6. My favorite kind of scammers are those who purport to be the authorities (of one manner or another) but cannot form a coherent sentence in English. It's almost adorable, but the sad thing is, it must work at least some of the time or they wouldn't try it.

  7. DL Sly2:37 PM

    "They almost make me remember what it was like to be young."

    My problem is I remember all too well. Unfortunately, where the mind is willing, the body has jumped the curb a few too many times in the Race and is therefore no longer as able.
    In the words of the famous adage:
    I may not be as good as I once was,
    But I'm as good once as I ever was.

  8. Grim,
    Thanks for the sentiment. A hunting guide I met in Alaska told me his winter survival tip- he and a friend /partner would rent a large hanger and build a Piper SuperCub replica from scratch. This kept them occupied and sane over the long dark days. In the spring they would sell the aircraft and return to the bush.

  9. My mother-in-law spent a lot of time in Alaska. She liked hunting elk and fighting grizzlies for the carcasses as a way out of the depressive season.

    Cost her a kidney, but hey.

  10. raven2:51 PM

    HA!- A very tough Lady!
