Aid for the Northeast

The original headline on this piece from Staten Island was "We're going to die."

Clearly the government's efforts here are inadequate and misplaced. Given the gasoline shortage in the wake of the storm, a lot of the private options for help are limited because we can't all truck up there with food and supplies. However, if you are able and wish to help, you can donate to relief organizations already on the ground.

Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army are two that are reliable. Both take their religious obligations to help the poor and afflicted seriously, and do so without regard to the religious status of the people they are helping.

If you know of other options that you can recommend, please mention them in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I was in the midwest when tornados took out several towns near Lincoln, Nebraska. A local church was a distribution point for the Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort from Nashville, TN. They did some amazing work, especially when the local Red Cross refused to allow their trucks into the area. Lots of local cars and pickups started "sightseeing the damage."
