When ya lose Big Bird . . . .

Coming on the heels of a betrayal by Bill Maher, this has got to sting.


  1. I'd tell you that you misspelled the comedians name, but he doesn't deserve the correction.

    I can't believe we're talking about Big Bird in a Presidential election of this importance. It's surreal.

  2. There's also this tweet, which followed this pro-Obama ad, both via GayPatriot.

    “nothing says “I’ve completely lost control of this narrative” like embracing…a seven-foot-tall yellow-feathered multi-millionaire.”

    — Jeff Emanuel (@jeffemanuel)

    This is not a time to get over-confident, though....

    Eric Hines

  3. I'm not confident, I'm appalled.

    And just beginning to feel a glimmer of hope. The polls are turning. Will it be enough?

  4. DL Sly12:08 PM

    It may *sting* but it ain't gonna leave a mark. Xerxes' could be videotaped giving "I'm A Dinner Jacket" a hand-job while simultaneously signing away US sovereignity to the UN and it still wouldn't leave a mark on this guy with the LSM.
    Yeah, I'm grumpy. It's been a long four years, and my patience is pretty much down to that last vibrating nerve.

  5. Thanks, Douglas -- I usually spell better than that! (Fixed)

  6. "Yeah, I'm grumpy. It's been a long four years, and my patience is pretty much down to that last vibrating nerve."

    Don't think you're the Lone Ranger...
    My sense of humor has been tending towards gallows humor for about the same number of years.

    Beyond that, I plead the Fifth. And a couple or a few 12 oz. goose-necks each evening.

    //raises a cold one in the general direction of Sly's last nerve//

    Speaking of which, Alex Karras, RIP Mongo!
