Takes on the debate

From Ace and his merry band:
It was like having an argument with your drunk, blowhard, dullwitted uncle at Thanksgiving.  And your drunk blowhard dullwitted uncle, who is superior to you only in age, keeps asserting he's right about everything by shouting "I WAS THERE!!!" 
Came off as a father-son fight about how dad is too senile to drive anymore and the wife/mother just wanting to move on to something the two of them could agree upon. 
If you thought it wasn't the administration, that it was Congress, last night you saw why it wasn't Congress.  The other night you saw a non-communicative president and last night you had attack dog Joe. 
Two debates in a row in which the overriding takeaway was the personality of the incumbent.  Not good. 
Ryan should have looked at Slow Joe and asked him "Does President Obama think all our nations problems are as funny as you seem to?"  Then hit him in the choppers with a right cross.
And my own reaction:   does Biden really believe the easy part of building a nuclear weapon is accumulating the fissile material, and the hard part is the detonation/delivery mechanism?  We managed it in 1945 easily enough, and we were flying blind.

Also:  it was surprising to hear Biden claim the White House didn't know about the threat in Libya because the intelligence community didn't tell them.  Maybe if the President actually attended intelligence briefings . . . ?


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    What frosts my cookies is the definite and firm impression that they really didn't know about the latest requests for added security, because our careless President had already made it abundantly clear that he didn't want to hear it.


  2. DL Sly12:18 PM

    " Maybe if the President actually attended intelligence briefings . . . ?"

    *straps on tin foil hat*
    T99, you ignorant slut!
    Don't you know the smartest man on the planet doesn't need to be briefed. He already knows more about policy, defense and how to write a speech better than anyone in the history of the world -- part I or II.

    *takes off hat*
    Eeeeewwww, now I need a shower.
    And a drink.

  3. Maybe an administration shouldn't be destroyed by a few careless denials of knowledge or responsibility by a silly hack drafted to serve as vice president.

    But for the White House to stick to Biden's story today in press conferences -- if any voters are paying the slightest attention, that should be the last straw. "It's not our fault. Our people didn't tell us." What possible conclusion can there be beyond the two possibilities: a lie, or a confession of criminal incompetence as a leader? If a real president found that his staff had been misleading him like that, heads would be rolling.

    There are few things uglier than flimsy attempts to preserve deniability. And I had to listen to these people charge Bush with lying when he failed to realize Saddam Hussein was bluffing about WMD (assuming they weren't all simply spirited across the Syrian border during the excruciating six-month rush to war)? Suddenly the standard for a president is not effortless omniscience?

  4. "It's not our fault. Our people didn't tell us." What possible conclusion can there be beyond the two possibilities: a lie, or a confession of criminal incompetence as a leader?

    Has anything, anything that occurred during the last four years been the fault of the current administration? Oh, how I loathe that swarm of vermin.

    Today the White House divorces Biden from any responsibility for his lying, smirking, boorish behavior last night.

  5. "swarms of vermin".
    yes, although I prefer "infestation".
    Termites, busily munching away at the structure of western civilization.

  6. It wasn't a debate, it was a seance with the dems trying to reach the dear departed 08 campaign and Biden channeling the ghost of Teddy Kennedy.

  7. ...I prefer "infestation".
    Termites, busily munching away....

    "Infestation" has a measure of organization about it. There's nothing organized about this administration beyond its dishonesty--which is so ingrained no organization is needed to animate it.

    "Swarm" is appropriate.

    Or is that just two geezers sticking together?

    Eric Hines

  8. At the time, I -think- I was of the mind that this bunch behaves like a destructive swarm of locus, destroying everything in their path.

    I'm sure the locus considers themselves to be blameless in as much as it's just who they are and what they do.

    And the old hun appreciates the support Mr. Hines.

  9. I'm sure the locus considers themselves to be blameless in as much as it's just who they are and what they do.

    But do the locusts blame others for...whatever? Somehow I think not. There is an example of the difference between amoral and immoral.

    Eric Hines

  10. " There is an example of the difference between amoral and immoral."

    You'll not get a argument from me.
