Sleep tight

Bryan Preston of PJ Media reports that the White House had a live feed from an overhead drone as the attack on the Benghazi embassy wound down, when we still did not know the fate of our murdered ambassador.  Technical difficulties involving closed eyelids prevented the President from watching.  Preston wonders:  "Would Obama have gone to bed during a nailbiter of a sports game?"  Well, maybe so, if he had to get up early and fly out to Las Vegas for a fund-raiser.

It's a good thing he didn't spend a couple of minutes finishing the story he was reading to some schoolchildren.

Anyway, within a few weeks he'd wrung a full briefing out of all those uncooperative intelligence community and State Department operatives.

Is Hillary Clinton really a wise scapegoat to fix on?  I'm trying to imagine how tempted Bill Clinton is to grab a microphone and update his thoughts on how "any president" would have stacked up in the face of this crisis.


  1. ""Would Obama have gone to bed during a nailbiter of a sports game?""

    How can we, mere mortals, understand the demands to prioritize a day full of speaking, travel, speaking, fund raising, speaking, golf, and.... speaking placed upon Mr. Most Sophisticated Consumer of Intel aka Mr. The Buck Stops, Elsewhere.

    "Is Hillary Clinton really a wise scapegoat to fix on? I'm trying to imagine how tempted Bill Clinton is to grab a microphone and update his thoughts on how "any president" would have stacked up in the face of this crisis. "

    Oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please. Even a chea... ah, frugal bitterclinger like me would pay to watch that rumble.

  2. DL Sly1:48 PM

    I was watching the Fox breaking news vid with this story about 15 min. ago when it was suddenly yanked from the net. MH was listening from the kitchen and said, "What happened to the sound?"
    I told him the vid had just been yanked. "You gotta be kiddin' me!"
    I told him, nope, it's gone.

    Things that make ya go "hmmmmmm...."

  3. Technical difficulties involving closed eyelids prevented the President from watching.

    Maintenance is important. It's necessary to stick to your scheduled eyelid pinhole checks.

    Is Hillary Clinton really a wise scapegoat to fix on?

    Well, some Evil Republican honchos had some words about Biden's and Obama's--I mean Carney's--selection of them as scapegoat. Former CIA Director Michael Hayden and former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff offered this:

    During the vice presidential debate, we were disappointed to see Vice President Biden blame the intelligence community for the inconsistent and shifting response of the Obama administration to the terrorist attacks in Benghazi. Given what has emerged publicly about the intelligence available before, during, and after the September 11 attack, it is clear that any failure was not on the part of the intelligence community, but on the part of White House decision-makers who should have listened to, and acted on, available intelligence. Blaming those who put their lives on the line is not the kind of leadership this country needs.

    Maybe Hillary is a softer target. He's already whupped her once, and all she did was shed a tear. DH did nothing effective then, either.

    Besides, in her present position, it's difficult for her to speak publicly in her own defense. It may be that she doesn't share DH's concept of integrity.

    Eric Hines
