Provocative video causes political disaster

From People's Cube:  sometimes public order is more important than letting a television broadcast get people all riled up.

Update: link fixed.


  1. Whoops. URL not found. It appears as if it was whisked away, probably in a Black SUV, to this undisclosed location...

  2. You know, when the 'film maker' got arrested for 'parole violations', I saw the story on the news, and my wife was just leaving the room, came back in and looked at me and asked "Seriously?". I told her it was ostensibly for parole violations, and she looked at me with that 'yeah, right' look. I said to her "Sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it? Like when people in communist tyrannys got disappeared, right?" Being from the east bloc, she agreed, simply nodding. The things you think you'll never see in your lifetime... and yet, there they are.
