I know what he means

From a 2002 speech by Barack Obama at a Martin Luther King Day memorial service:
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but rich people are all for nonviolence.  Why wouldn’t they be?  They’ve got what they want.
Yep, whenever I decide whether to indulge in violence, my first order of business is to think through whether I have everything I want yet.  If not, all bets are off.


  1. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Hand over the chocolate and no one gets hurt.


  2. Hmmm... To think that folks who have accumulated any degree of wealth* do not understand nor are prepared for conflict is, in my mind, mighty simplistic.

    *Relative to those who have little managed to accrue to none.

    Again we see a case of have a care for that which you wish, for many members of the amassed contingent are but good old boys who did good.
