Guess I'll Be Getting Some Phonecalls Soon...

The NRA is loving the last debate. After four years of Democrats being afraid to even pretend to symbolically embrace gun control, good old President Obama went all in. Gives them somewhere to spend their big campaign bucks, and no doubt it's going to give rise to another round of fundraising soon.

Well, you know what? He has it coming. You pay the money, and you take the ride. If there's one thing the folks down Ohio way don't like very much, it's gun control. Georgia gun laws are little looser.


  1. Great scene from My Name...

    O only slipped up and said what we've known all along. But I am sending more money to NRA/ILA, just on GP.

  2. Yeah, but that's the worst kind of slip for him.

  3. The guy who occasionally sits in our President's chair didn't name one of the primary reasons for the 2d Amendment in his list of "approved" purposes for clinging to our guns: not just an amorphous "protection" but also protection against an overweening government.

    Now, why was that, do you suppose?

    Eric Hines

  4. "The guy who occasionally sits in our President's chair didn't name one of the primary reasons for the 2d Amendment in his list of "approved" purposes for clinging to our guns:"

    That was right noteworthy. At least to all the bitter-clingers.

    "Now, why was that, do you suppose?"

    Ohhh, taking a WAG, I'd have to say that it's because in Ø's mind, only a subset of rulers and their bodyguards have a legitimate reason to be able to defend their own lives and/or property at will.

  5. There is a sculpture in front of the UN that is just like the gun with the knot in it. Splains a lot.
