An Outstanding Metaphor

“You may want to move on to another topic,” Obama implored Lehrer, a bit like a motorcycle thief begging a cop to take him into custody rather than let him stay with the surly biker gang that caught him.
No, no. Leave him here. We'd like a few more words.


  1. By now we've all had a chance to watch the interviews with earnest young people who don't understand why the President wasn't allowed to use his teleprompter during the debate. "What good does it do to make someone memorize a 90-minute debate?"

    For the "Unclear on the Concept" files.

  2. Yeah, I saw that. I wonder what they thought would go on the teleprompter.

  3. "For the "Unclear on the Concept" files."

    And the "OMG, they vote" files.

  4. The correct answers to the debate, of course!

    It does make you wonder what they think "debate" means.

    Taranto's "Jerk Show" clip is pretty devastating, too.

  5. I weep for my school. The drawer I work in has a sharper bunch of knives, but other quotes and signs and protests suggest that the students were serious.

  6. Gringo1:00 PM

    The students were clueless in thinking that a debate is the same as a set speech. It appears that the POTUS may have also viewed the debate as a set speech, as he repeated talking points from the 2008 debate.

  7. Well, that's very coherent with the President we know. Many of his speeches prove to be word-for-word repeats of earlier speeches.

  8. "Well, that's very coherent with the President we know. Many of his speeches prove to be word-for-word repeats of earlier speeches."

    Indeed. Hasn't THE ∅ said that we bitter-n-clingy types only catch on by rote? IIRC he has in past bemoaned the lack of our agreement with, read understanding of, his works to to be due to his difficulty in 'slpanin' the wonderfulness of his ideas and actions...

  9. in simple enough terms...

  10. Gringo1:46 PM

    I apparently had a bad link, which I did not preview. Try this.
    It appears that the POTUS may have also viewed the debate as a set speech, as he repeated talking points from the 2008 debate.
