A first in Nobel history

One laureate sues another . . . sort of.

We're all Nobel winners now.


  1. I remember Greyhawk used to say that he'd been Time Magazine's Man of the Year twice: in 2003, and again in 2006.

  2. Let's see, now: we've got Mann, Obama, and von Rompuy. One white, one black, and one blond.

    It's the Mod Squad....

    Eric Hines

  3. "Bad news on the judge."

    I saw that the other night reading through the comments and being one of the 10 worst as per yet another site, all one can say is that goodness for the appeals process.

  4. //proofreads sentence after hitting Publish Your Comment pushbutton, decides to climb back on tractor//

  5. Yet another reason for the defense to try for dismissal or summary judgment -- these are matters of law that leave the judge less wiggle room than, let's say, calls on evidence rulings at trial (so that a bad ruling on one of these makes for a stronger appeal if it gets that far).
