What did those voices say again?

Don't know about you, but when I listen to this voice-vote, I don't hear two-thirds in favor of the platform amendment.

UPDATE by Grim: The Chair of the Democratic National Committee has just canceled all her media interviews for the rest of the night... during the second night of the Democratic National Convention. Her deputy, too.


  1. Sounds pretty close to even. They really should have roll-called it.

  2. Maybe it's just me, but I've always thought it is pretty hard to quantify a voice/shout vote from a large assembly. That said, I thought the vote was even at best, or two thirds the other way.

    Aside: Grim pointed out in the comments to another thread that the calling for a second and a third voice vote on the matter caused Villaraigosa to be overcome with an involuntary full body pucker.

    Ok, Grim did not put it quite that way, but...

    Comedy gold.

  3. The optics on this are very bad for the Dems...

  4. Hmmm... The acceptance speech venue has been moved from the stadium to the hall, and now the delegate upheaval over God, Jerusalem, along with the unmentioned Palestinian refugees and Hamas edits from the 2008 version.

    I can't help but wonder if someone within the DNC is having a down-twinkles sense of foreboding?

  5. While scanning the overnight news this a.m., I came across this...

    Then I remembered the Dem Superdelegates of 08 and it made sense. Villaraigosa was given the vote count using the proper weighing of the Superdelegates plus the regular delegates via TOTUS.

  6. You guys are all full of an unconscionable disdain for the poor, benighted Progressives.

    Of course the "ayes" were twice the "nays." From Debbie's ear to Wasserman Schultz' mouth. She wouldn't lie.

    Would she?

    Eric Hines

  7. "From Debbie's ear to Wasserman Schultz' mouth. She wouldn't lie.

    Would she?"

    Well, Stephanie Cutter vouchers for her...

  8. Make that Cutter will vouch for her.

    Now that I think about it, I recall that the Fluke woman is in charge of vouchers.

  9. I recall that the Fluke woman is in charge of vouchers.

    No, she's in charge of collections. And deposits.

    Eric Hines

  10. Now, now, gentlemen.

  11. "Now, now, gentlemen. "

    I suppose that diplomatic not-quite-a-rebuke should serve me notice not to recount what Bill Jeff was asked and overheard to say after he encountered Ms. Fluke...

    So, I'll not.

  12. Sounded even. Because the two items were together, we don't know what the breakout would be.

  13. Gringo5:36 AM

    Sounded even. Because the two items were together, we don't know what the breakout would be.

    No, we don't.
    The video I saw of the voice vote panned to someone with an Arab American sign.

  14. Yeah, that's a good point. It would be interesting to know.

  15. There's a longer version of that video out (sorry, of course I can't find it now) in which an immediately prior vote was to suspend the rules so the platform change items could come up. That passed with (auditorially) the same number of yeas as in the platform change "votes," but with only scattered nays.

    Depending on what was in the rules suspension (it was passed, but I still don't know what was in it), it may be that the requirement for a two-thirds majority also was suspended.

    In which case Villaraigosa looks even more like a doofus.

    Eric Hines

  16. While AVI has a good point, the administrative skill with which the DNC, and the POTUS as Party head, executed the maneuver ought to tell the electorate all they need to know about the pack of mutts ability to lead/manage the Nation. On the off chance the electorate has not been paying attention for the last four to fifty odd years.

  17. Bthun 6:27 PM

    THAT is the real issue. Most incompetent administration and party ever.
