
I don't know.  Maybe I'm in a perverse mood today.  I rather like many of these shoes.


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    On the topic of shoes, I would maintain that many male soldiers in the Army have more shoes than their wives. I had that epiphany one PCS as I counted how many pairs and types of boots I had been issued by the Army. I felt like a Imelda Marcos award aspirant.

  2. The simple gold and silver boots are OK, if you're Princess Leia.

  3. Actually, they'd go well with Wilma Deering's outfits, too.

  4. MikeD3:09 PM

    Considering that my actual first thought when I glanced at the photos was "prosthetic limbs" I'd say, yeah... those aren't the most flattering of footwear.

  5. Ugly. No doubt about it...

  6. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I'm 5'1" and I would not be caught dead or alive on any of those platforms. Nor is there a speck of vinyl in my closet or sock drawer. *shudder*


  7. I have no idea why women think they need to wear heels of any sort, much less the skyscrapers that are on offer.

    This reprobate sees no advantage in what they're claimed to do for calves or for rolling hips. And I do see considerable damage in the shortened Achilles tendons that chronic use of heels inflicts on the wearer. And the toe damage done the metatarsals and phalanges from standing, distortedly, on toes.

    Eric Hines

  8. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Many of those shoes are ankle-breakers.

    I have a high arch and a narrow heel. The only brand that I know of that fits the bottom of my feet is Naot, and their idea of a pump is clumsy-looking.

    I searched for two years to find a two-inch heeled sandal with a supportive footbed, to wear to my brother-in-law's wedding.

    Meanwhile, every shoe store carries pads and supports for women's shoes.

    There's a market, here.

