The Wife Brings Home a Pet

So tonight the wife came in carrying one of her socks in her hand, instead of wearing it on her foot as you might expect. One end was tied off.

"Look what I found at work!" she said. "It's just the cutest little thing!"

Her plan had been to raise this one up until its big enough to compete with the big female rat snake who lives in the garden. Then I meant to let him be the basement dragon. I prefer a snake to the other means of rodent control.

However, within five minutes he had escaped the bath tub and down the heating/air vent, which means he's probably hunting mice (or at least spiders) in the basement even now.

I'm trying to think of a good name for a basement dragon.


  1. We had several snakes succumb to the name "Fluffy."

  2. I don't want him to succumb! I want him to prosper! :)

  3. Smaug? Go for the classics.

  4. As December 21st approaches, why not give a nod to the Mayans and call the snake Kukulkan?

    Or to the ancestors and call it Wyrmas?

    I don't suppose Spot would work...

  5. I name my cats things like "Fred" and "Sam," so I'll be of no use to you. But he looks like a fine snake.


  6. Years ago, I lived in a rented house with several other bachelors. One of the guys went down to the basement to shower one morning and found a four foot boa constrictor in the stall. A previous occupant had lost his pet boa, so we had had the king of all basement dragons all this time, unawares. But animal services took him away, and he was eventually reunited with his owner.

  7. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Slim? You can always claim that he was named for Viscount William Slim of Burma.


  8. I don't want him to succumb! I want him to prosper! :)

    The boy named Sue wound up prospering....

    Possibly Low-down Snake would be redundant....

    Knout? Tartufe?

    Eric Hines

  9. George, just to be contrary.

  10. Well, I was thinking more of this George, but that one will do as well.

  11. My missus cannot abide snakes. We have these tiny garter snakes out here, and they send her into a "state."
