The Equinox

Happy Autumn, boys and girls. Now follows my favorite time of year: the time of fire.


  1. Grim, I live in the Central Valley of California, I still have two months before fire time. We just barely dropped below triple digits. Today we only reached 99.

  2. Russ,

    Delta is ready when you are.

  3. In fairness, though, we may be most of two months away from fires inside the house. We had a great cookout yesterday, and the wood for the winter is all laid in and seasoning; but it was 79 degrees and sunny today, quite warm and pleasant.

  4. I do miss the fall colors. In the Central Valley we go from brown to green, which is nice but not quite the same.

  5. DL Sly12:03 PM

    "...the time of fire."

    Grim, are you suggesting there is a time when it isn't? 0>;~}
    *says she who hasn't seen the mountains or lake for a week now thanks to fire smoke from Idaho, Washington and several local incidents*

    We haven't quite reached cold enough nightly temps to need a fire in the stove, but we're getting there much more quickly than is typical. However, the winter wood is stacked and seasoned and the kindling cut and stored. A few more outdoor winterizing details to tend to in the coming weeks. It's been so long since I've had to actually plan for a real winter, I'm having to go back to a time when the Dark side didn't have cookies as I try to think of the many things that can go wrong during a Montana winter.

  6. Anonymous6:14 PM

    The first migratory song birds are passing through the Texas Panhandle, and it is cool enough in the mornings that I flirt with the idea of putting on long sleeves. Orion is at the zenith when I go out, and a few trees are turning gold. Alas, no fires. Too dry so a burn ban is in effect, and the chimney is not safe until we get it repointed and part of the flue-pipe replaced.

