John 18:17-27

Rep. Allen West has cut the first ad leveraging last night's vote.

The fact that he happened to call the vote three times is an interesting point, the symbolic importance of which Rep. West recognized immediately. I suspect this will be a very effective ad among evangelicals.


  1. Yes, and imagine if the people milling around Peter's campfire had concluded, "So, we'll mark you down as a loyal apostle, then, shall we?" -- and he had walked away thoroughly satisfied with himself.

  2. It now says the video has been removed by the user... Looked it up and found this link at the Allen West for Congress YouTube page.

  3. Should be updated now.

  4. MikeD3:45 PM

    I will say "effective among evangelicals" is a bit of preaching to the choir. Save for the fact that some might have stayed home rather than vote for a Mormon.

  5. MikeD3:47 PM

    Correction: If that were a ROMNEY ad. As it's for Col West, I doubt many evangelicals were voting for his opponent anyhow.

  6. Perhaps not, but it's on YouTube. Many people (including, I think, all of us) will see and consider it even though they are not in West's district.

    I wonder how it will play in the black community.

  7. Eric Blair9:50 PM

    They got to see it, first.

  8. MikeD8:37 AM

    Did anyone else notice the President had finally found time to express a little bit of American Exceptionalism last night? "Greatest Nation on Earth," said he. I'm a little surprised he did, given the audience. I'm going to be tweaking a few noses over it today.

  9. After the election, I am really interested in seeing the exit polling, and how black Christians vote. I'm thinking they're going to start realizing they have a lot of reasons to come back to the Republican party.

  10. douglas - no chance. I wish it were not so.
