Good Point

"But how is the claim that America "respects all faiths" supposed to appease people who burn churches?"

James Taranto gets one right.


  1. Given the obvious, that being there is little to no reasoning nor peaceful cohabitation with the fanatical subset of Islam and other... And since the best guesstimates of the fanatical subset of the Islamic world is thought to be 10%, 20% or greater of the whole. This leaves us with the unpleasant reality of the planet no longer being big enough for the both of us.

    It would make me eternally grateful to be proved wrong, but I see an ultimate confrontation as more of a when than an if matter.

  2. Bthun: Man, do I wish I could say I thought you were wrong this time...

  3. Well, how can it appease when the claimed "respect" isn't true?

    Eric Hines

  4. "Well, how can it appease when the claimed "respect" isn't true?"

    But it was such a sincerely delivered [Subliminal man says: Insert earnest with mostly grave overtones shading the haggard face of Hillary and The ∅ here] and lovely worded bushel of disingenuous blather. Who [Subliminal man says: Under the age of 15 and/or anyone who's recently regained consciousness from a multiple-decades long coma] wouldn't fall for it?
