The Joy of Autumn

As we enjoy the first hints of autumnal air, we think of the joys to come. The Stone Mountain Scottish Highland Games are awaiting us, if we can make it to October.

If you're in Europe, Denmark will be hosting the annual Medieval Festival of Europe this weekend in Horsens.

Portugal does its big Medieval festival in August, too. I guess it's nicer out there on the Med.

Further north, the Nordic Festival for Medieval Music is typically in September. Here is something from 2010:


  1. As we enjoy the first hints of autumnal air, we think of the joys to come.

    It's gonna get cold. Mrs Hines' third son don' like cold.

    The festivals would be fun, though. So were the fall beer fests in Germany, too, away from the tourist trap big deals.

    Eric Hines

  2. A man's got to do what he has to do. If you don't like the cold, see to the beer.

  3. Autumn. Ahhhhhh...

    Helen and Oktoberfest is just a hop/skip away. I think I'll make some reservations for a room and a keg or two.

  4. I was thinking about making a run up there in September, maybe, when the Oktoberfest kicks off. Maybe camp at Unicoi.

  5. It'll probably be mid to late October for us. Honey-do's, W.B.'s school and equestrian team schedules and the random what-not.

    And it will definitely be a hotel. The camper that served the hun tribe well for many years is now bespoke to another. When it's picked up is the only question.

    Now, if I were to find the right Airstream and finish the top-end and cam overhaul on the pickem up between now and then, highly doubtful, but...

  6. Anonymous2:45 PM

    That was a pretty awesome drum in the first song of the Nordic video - I would not have thought that you could get that kind of sound out of that. Of course, the acoustics of the hall could have something to do with it.

  7. No, you can. It's a skin drum, probably directed at replicating a Saami drum, but is much like an bodhran, or an Eskimo/Inuit drum. Depending on the size of it, it can make quite a deep and remarkable sound. In the 1983 film Never Cry Wolf, the Inuit guide constructs one for a shamanistic ceremony that has a very similar sound.
