The Birth and Death of a Rail Town

Since the Thunder Road piece was such a hit, how about one linking a gorgeous Western with a real-life story about ghost towns on the rail lines? (H/t: Fark.)

If you haven't seen this movie, you ought to. You're going to want to see it more than once, so set aside some time.


  1. Anonymous2:25 AM

    A great movie. The Opening Scene is justifiably famous.

    I've got a prior "collector's edition". The commentary is very good if you're a film buff.

  2. Love that Charles Bronson, right up there with Steve McQueen among the strong, silent types.

  3. Great movie. Henry Fonda is astonishing. I would say his performance makes me wish he played more villains but he was a little too convincing. Thinking about his character still gives me the shivers.

  4. He played a quasi-villain in Fort Apache, which you would enjoy if you haven't seen it. It's a fairly remarkable film in several respects, but perhaps especially as a study of military manners in the late 19th century cavalry. Fonda stars opposite John Wayne and Shirley Temple, as well as other great actors drawn from the John Ford Stock Company.

  5. Thanks, Grim, that's going in the NetFlix queue.

  6. My great pleasure, ma'am.
