Science Fiction, Brought to you by Corning

Apparently Corning, who probably made your casserole dish, is swinging for the fences.  You may have seen this before, but I don't think we've talked about it here.


  1. A lot of the interactive display concepts are used on Fox News' election (among other things) coverages and on Hawaii Five-0's gee-whiz computer systems. And on NCIS-Los Angeles.

    The touch screen displays are on the gee-whiz entertainment centers that sometimes sidelight as telephones.

    I'd like to see that stuff Corning was talking ab out putting out as walls, though. That'd be pretty cool.

    Eric Hines

  2. Actually, what impressed me the most was the telephone-like device that stores data, but instantly populates a desktop-like space when you set it down on a computer/desk. That's neat -- significantly more portability than you get moving data via a similar device now, but without the risks associated with "cloud" models.

    I mean, you can do it all now with what we have -- it's just a pain.

    I also liked the windows that darken and undarken, a la Blade Runner. Of course that was imagined in 1982.

  3. lcd switchable glass has been available commercially for about a decade now, but it's still quite expensive. I think it's still upwards of $90 a sq.ft. Of course, when your power goes out, you have no 'curtains' anymore.

  4. As a Sci-Fi fanatic, I've been waiting years for my personal, wrist-mounted, command and control console.
