Wow, So... That Bill O'Reilly Doesn't Know $#~! About Firearms, Does He?

Some of you sent me this.

"Howitzers"? Like, the Civil War ones that require a team of guys to operate? Yeah, you can buy those. Not these, though; and they still require a team to operate.

"Heavy weapons"? Most of what he lists has been banned without severe Federal intrusion into your life since the 1930s.

Apparently nobody ever explained to him about the difference between semi- and fully-automatic, either.

And as for owning 60,000 rounds... OK, you can buy them. How many can you carry?


  1. By the way, O'Reilly also claims to be Catholic, but his understanding of Church doctrine is about equal to his understanding of weaponry.


  2. Not surprised the Bloviator has less than a passing knowledge of firearms.
    I had the urge to give O'Reilly a pass a few years back. Since then I've managed to be doing something, or watching Cavuto, every M-F when he's on.

    OK, I'll confess... When Laura Ingraham subs, I might tune in.

  3. An AK is a machine gun?


    I'd like to get 60,000 rounds. I'd have a lot of range time at a price that inures me against inflation for at least a couple of years.

    And O'Reilly is going to dictate to me my purpose for owning a firearm? A RINO. Oh, wait--he claims to be an Independent.

    I stopped listening to him a couple of years ago when he sharply increased the rate at which he would interrupt and shout down any interviewee who dared stray from the interview's script that O'Reilly had already written.

    Eric Hines

  4. "when he sharply increased the rate at which he would interrupt and shout down any interviewee who dared stray from the interview's script that O'Reilly had already written."

    Yep. That's the reason I gave up on his show. That talking over a person and constantly interrupting garbage on a show whose alleged point of being is to discuss the issues of the day, well, it gets my goat. And my goat doesn't appreciate being got.

  5. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Dr. Ablow gave as good as he got yesterday and ran O'Reilly over.

